Anti-Concealment Committee

Definition of Concealment:
Concealment is defined as enabling a non-Qatari individual or entity to engage in commercial, economic, or professional activities in violation of applicable laws and regulations. This may involve using the name, license, or commercial registration of the concealer, whether the activity is conducted for the benefit of the concealed party, the concealer, or in partnership with others.

The concealer is a Qatari individual (natural or legal) who enables a foreign individual (natural or legal) to engage in activities that are legally prohibited for foreigners to practice.


Concealment is a crime punishable by law due to its threat to the economic and social security of countries where this dangerous practice prevails. This practice enables expatriates to dominate important sectors of commercial, economic, and professional activities at the expense of citizens, whether in terms of engaging in trade, employment in the private sector, or facilitating the outflow of funds outside the country.


Functions of the Anti-Concealment Committee:The committee is responsible for the functions outlined in Article (5) of Law No. (3) of 2023 regarding the prevention of concealment in relation to non-Qataris engaging in commercial, economic, and professional activities that violate the law. These functions are as follows:

1- Develop anti-concealment plans and programs and monitor their implementation.

2- Coordinate with relevant authorities to enforce the provisions of legislation related to combating concealment.

3- Receive reports related to violations of the provisions of this law, examine them, verify their seriousness, and refer them to the Public Prosecution.

4- Request and exchange information with relevant entities and take necessary actions to combat concealment.

5- Cooperate with various government and private entities to develop public awareness programs on combating concealment.

6- Any other functions specified by the Council of Ministers.


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